Let's rewind to Friday...
- Friday, 08:15 - Started my final class in Kaplan. Only 5 students showed up. The two missing students had told me the day before they were going to Disneyland.
- Friday, 09:15 - Was walking to Coffee Bean since the students had decided that they were not going to learn on my last day.
- Friday, 10:30 - Two other classes strolled into Coffee Bean also deciding that they were not going to learn on my last day.
- Friday, 11:30 - Back at school waiting for the Kaplan Oscars to start (students made films... pretty cool).
- Friday, 15:30 - Still at school. The movies took a lot longer than I thought. Tried to say goodbye to everyone, but that had been an hour ago. Starving.
- Friday, 16:30 - Finally at home trying to pack while eating my last In-n-out cheeseburger protein style, no spread, with grilled onions. Got a message from my two missing students who went to Disneyland wants to meet up for dinner. I sigh...
- Friday, 20:00 - Eating at a Chinese restaurant. The owner kept speaking in Cantonese. I accidentally respond to his questions. The students no longer believe I'm a natural blonde from Estonia who was trying to be Asian.
- Friday, 22:00 - At my first and last dorm party. Watched one guy make a complete fool of himself after downing 3/4 of a bottle of vodka in one hour. Everyone was shocked to see me there.
- Friday, 23:00 - Tried to leave the party but more people kept coming and talking to me.
- Saturday, 00:30 - Still at the party.
- Saturday, 01:00 - Finally on my way home. Left with about 10 students surrounding my car. One was drunk out of his mind but was entertaining. Another started crying which weirded me out. Everyone else stood and waved.
- Saturday, 06:30 - Woke up to the smell of cigarettes. (No, I wasn't the one smoking. I was just surrounded by smokers all night long.)
- Saturday, 08:45 - Gave up packing thinking who really needs clothes?! I'm going to Brasil!
- Saturday, 10:00 - Went to my last family breakfast in a while. I told my little cousin Joshua that I was going to be on an airplane later in the day. His response: "You can die on an airplane." I told him, "Thank you for that information."
- Saturday, 11:30 - Off to the airport. Promised the family I wouldn't climb any more mountains.
- Saturday, 12:30 - Bored and started texting people just to see who would actually respond. Got a message back saying the police had stopped by the party twice that night. The party ended when the guest of honor chucked.
- Saturday, 14:30 - On the plane heading to Houston, Texas. Had to sit next to a really fat guy who kept jabbing me with his elbow. I took a picture of his fat belly while he was sleeping. (FYI, Continental Airlines still serves free food. Continental rocks!)
- Saturday, 21:00 - Barely found my connecting gate. Still had enough time to make my last phone call. I asked him if I go to Antarctica, would a polar bear be working at immigration? If so, would I get a paw print as my visa stamp? He laughed without a response.
- Sunday, 00:00 - In the air. Told by the flight attendant the entertainment system is broken, so no inflight movies. Continental sucks!
- Sunday, 09:45 - Woke up with serious neck pain. Looked outside to see that the plane was ready to land. A flight attendant walked by and was about to take my breakfast away that they had left for me earlier. I took my piece of bread and fruit and ate it in a minute.
- Sunday, 10:30 - Breezed through immigration, got my luggage, and was out the door in 10 minutes. However, there was nobody there to pick me up. I started to panic.
- Sunday, 11:30 - Finally found my school director. She said that immigration usually takes 2 hours. Then, she asked me if I wanted to go to a party right then.
- Sunday, 12:30 - At my school director's house. Everyone is speaking Portuguese. I'm completely lost. However, there's food and lots of it. Can't really complain.
- Sunday, 14:30 - In serious food coma. I ate enough meat to last me a week.
- Sunday, 15:30 - Still at the party but now begging to go back.
- Sunday, 17:00 - I'm in my new home and I crashed.
- Monday, 08:46 - Blogging and wondering how I can get out of my new home. I don't have keys yet. Hmm... Wish me luck?
Exhausting last day in the US. Hope you've recovered. Makes me feel old because when I'm someone's house past 9pm, I want to leave and go to bed.
That's the Elaine I know... Anything goes, and never really knowing where the adventure will take her. I'm envious!
You have to keep sharing like this!
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