Monday, January 17, 2011

The Day After Tomorrow

How would you react if you saw the following lead and accompanying picture?

Scientists warn California could be struck by winter ‘superstorm’

In a nutshell, because of global warming, scientists predict that California will have a 'superstorm' that will be worse than "The Big One" sometime in the mere future. I think it's time to leave.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Musing

This is dedicated to a certain someone... although it really should be you dedicating this to me. (But that's just a personal opinion.)

(On a side note, I'm absolutely gutted that Matt Bellamy knocked up his girlfriend. There goes my chances! Sigh...)

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Out with the Old, In with the New

2010... The year that was. A lot of good and a lot of bad happened, but I think at the end, I gained more than I lost. And with that, here are my New Year's resolutions for 2011:
  1. The big goal for the year is to find something careerwise that will make me happy. Ok, I may be asking for much with the economy being the way it is now , but if I have to go back to school to get to this point, then it will be done.
  2. "The Things That People Think But Do Not Say." I'm borrowing this from Jerry Maguire. The main point here is I need to say what I feel and not become a ticking time bomb (or someone else becomes one).
  3. Figure out how to get onto the show "What Not To Wear." Or get a style makeover of my own minus the $1,000 budget they give on the show.
  4. Don't care so much what others think of me. As long as I'm happy, then it'll be all good.
  5. What happens in the past will stay in the past. The future is now! (Ok, that was a resolution filled with clichés...) This is meant for the family. There's a reason why people have them. And yeah, they may be difficult to be around, but at the end of the day, I should be grateful that I have one who cares about me.
  6. Use that camera!!! Pictures can't magically be taken by itself in a bag buried underneath the table.
  7. Yes, the always present "lose weight" resolution that everyone makes every year. I know I'll never be as skinny as a Brazilian supermodel, but I would like to get to a point where I am confident in myself and my physical appearance.
  8. Put myself out there. I know I don't have the "everyone will be my friend" mentality, but I can slowly mill around.
  9. Don't be so independent. Yes, this sounds weird, but people do want to help. If I brush someone off because I know I can do something myself, how will the other person feel?
  10. Drink more water. It's good for me!
And that's it for this year's edition. I really should print out a copy and paste it next to the wall of my bed so I can see it every day. But at least it's been blogged and (if you're reading this now) read by others. No backing out now...

The end!