Saturday, March 28, 2009

Oh Callan, How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways...

This is what I do 6 hours every day, 5 days a week minus the British accent:
(To save yourself from permanent damage, stop the video after one minute.)

Thank goodness for vodka.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Brazilian Etiquette: Lessons Learned

  • I've kissed so many random people that it's no longer funny. (Ok, it's cheek kissing, but still... my blood still says I'm Asian and we just don't do that.)
  • Brazilian time means if you're meeting someone, then you must be at least half an hour late. If it's a party, then you should always come a minimum is one hour past the start time. If someone is picking you up from the airport and you've never been to the area, is moving there for at least a year, and you can't speak the language, expect 1.5 hours of pure panic and stress.
  • From my travel book: Brazilian women dress "sexy" in all situations, whether business, formal or casual. Foreign women who want to blend in should avoid wearing overly formal, conservative attire. My T-shirts and jeans are apparently too conservative here. My boss even told me to get chicken cutlets to help in certain areas.
  • While the OK sign means good back home, here in Brazil, it is the equivanent to the middle finger. I had already shown the OK sign to my boss at least 10 times before someone finally told me what it meant.