Friday, April 17, 2009

Trials and Tribulations

Currently located: (Still in) Arujá, Brasil

54 days in Brasil and counting...
  • I was suppose to have transferred today to Pomerode, the "most typically German of all German towns of southern Brasil." However, that never happened. When I first signed up to work in Brasil, I thought I would be experiencing Brasilian culture. Had I wanted to live in a German town, I would've moved to Germany. Makes sense, right? Also, living in the area that produces Victoria's Secret models isn't exactly a confidence booster.
  • I've all but given up learning Portuguese. For some reason, every time I make any attempt, Japanese comes out of my mouth.
  • Brasilian BBQ count: 6 with 2 coming up.
  • Callan still sucks, but now, it's somewhat manageable. That's because I don't really follow the book anymore. Haha... (Just like old times.)
Since I don't have much else to write about now, here are some pictures of my wonderful little town.
The meat store!
Local tagging. I actually like it. It's not really vandalism when you can actually see some theme.

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