Sunday, September 24, 2006

Karaoking and the day after

Truth be told, I love karaoking ... Last night was a friend's birthday party and the only way to have a proper birthday party in Japan is with karaoke. Somehow, we managed to cram 15 people into 3 small rooms where a lot of off-key singing and picture-taking took place.

Afterwards, some of us wandered to The Hub, a local English pub where another party just happened to take place. I saw some people I didn't really care to see and had a conversation with a few which I really wish to forget.

At around 2a, some of us decided to head home, especially since we had to be at work at 10a. However, we made a little detour to Yoshinoya. I'm sure the workers at Yoshinoya really love annoying (and pissed [...don't I sound British already?]) foreigners in the wee hours of the morning asking for photos.

The work part: I somehow managed to stagger in on time. I had to teach Ryota, a boy we think will be in jail by the time he's 7. During the lesson, he took off his shoe, smelled it, tried to make me smell it, and then proceed to lick his shoe. I was thoroughly disgusted. Then, we played his version of tic-tac-toe and he stopped. Miraculously, by 5p, I felt better. (My shift ended at 5:20p.) Went home and vowed never to drink again. (Hmmm... highly doubtful but at least I can say I tried.)

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